Billato tradition of FrameBuilding start right after world war 2, When Silvio Billato, my Father, got for the first time in a Bike Workshop as a young apprentince. It was 1962 When the first high quality frame rolled out from his own Business, producing for many important brands of the time like Coppi and Bianchi.
i started working for  in our family business, introducing new technologies in order to evolve from handcrafted framebuilder to a proposal and innovative framebuilder.

That was when we stard working with composite material, and the TIG welding with Excel Kevlar reinforced superlight tubing made a big step for our production.

Big companies like Concorde, Marin, Greg LeMond, Look, Fondriest gave us their team custom frames production also with the innovative ( for that time ) aluminium Scandium .


At the end of 90’s with the first test with carbon fiber tubing ( from Look KX ) using a tech process that permitted to remain framebuilder , so made custom building frames :

CWS : acronym of Carbon Wrapped System that permit to build a custom size frame also with carbon fiber not only with metal tubing.

Isn’t a easy operation and have to make with expertise workers under the strict control of skills engineers.

But the result is really the best performance from a bicycle professional frame never had , the possibility to create and to modify in every joint the structure of the frame is absolutely amazing.

Re-created the skill of “telaista” with different materials : from steel ( first love ) to composite carbon fiber goingtrough the Titanium paying attention to all the small details so important to obtain the satisfaction of the athletes riding a BILLATO.


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